Title X
On October 28, 1992, President Bush signed into law the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1992, an omnibus housing bill which includes
as Title X the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. Title X, as this bill is commonly referred to, is one of
the most significant instances of federal lead poisoning prevention
Under Title X, federal agencies are directed to develop a national lead
program and supporting policies to prevent and reduce lead-based paint exposures and hazards. Title X altered virtually every aspect
of dealing with lead-based paint hazards in U.S. housing, prompting
profound changes in efforts to prevent childhood lead poisoning across
the nation. These changes affect property owners,
landlords, lenders, realtors, insurers, parents, tenants, abatement
contractors, inspectors, laboratories, trainers, home remodelers, and
state and local government agencies.
Title X was conceived as a transitional bill, not the final solution
to lead-based paint hazards in housing. In addition to inspections to
determine the presence of lead-based paint, Title X mandates risk
assessments to identify conditions causing lead exposures of concern.
Title X's central purpose is to mobilize national resources to support
expanded prevention efforts on a broad scale. This goal is advanced by
several strategies:
- Developing a new framework for lead hazard reduction to focus
resources for maximum health benefit and to trigger a range of actions
appropriate to various hazard and housing situations,
- Imposing specific requirements and deadlines on federally owned,
insured and assisted housing to make the federal government a
model landlord, encourage the growth and development of a quality
abatement industry, and begin to clarify confusion over standards of
care in private rental housing,
- Providing increased resources for abatement, specific timetables for
action, and clear standards for licensing contractors, protecting
workers, certifying laboratories, and accrediting training programs.