Lead-based Paint Consulting Services
Lead-based paint poses a financial and legal challenge for
property owners, as well as a serious public health hazard.
Exposure to lead can be damaging, particularly for children less
than seven years of age whose central nervous systems are still in a
critical stage of development. Lead is also a concern for
construction and demolition workers, painters and welders, who may
be exposed to lead-containing dust and vapors during renovation and
demolition projects.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD), the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) as
well as state and local agencies have been promulgating regulations
regarding lead hazards. CNS Environmental provides clients with
regulatory assistance, consultation, and on-site project monitoring,
from project initiation through final project close-out, emphasizing
cost-effective, practical lead-based paint solutions.
Services include:
Our staff experience includes lead-based paint consulting
projects encompassing all types of properties, such as schools and
universities, government facilities, airports, prisons, commercial
properties, retail facilities, and residential properties.
Our lead technicians are State of California, Department of
Public Health (CDPH) certified.